Reach the excellence
The first disposable box for performing ASVAL
Designed by the ASVAL promotors
Perfect set of instruments
Allowing the best technique
The box for a treatment of excellence for varicose veins
More and more patients are looking for quality, highly-specialised, high tech treatment centers, in every countries. The ASVAL Method fits for centers offering personalized and appropriate vein care. The ASVAL Box allows to perform the perfect procedure : efficient, minimaly invasive & cosmetic.
ASVAL Box assets
Invisible microincisions
Mini-invasive vein extraction
Applicable to all veins
Usable in all facilities

ASVAL Box contents
All instruments disposable
2 specific ASVAL micro-hooks (n°0 and n°1)
4 incurved mosquito clamps 12 cm
1 mini surgical-knife ASVAL designed
1 cissors 11.5 cm
1 dissection twiezers 12 cm
1 incision needle
1 plastic Kocher clamp 13 cm
1 autoadhesive specific tools support
1 plastic tray
2 cups 60 ml
5 nonwoven pads
1 adhesive surgical drape 90×15 cm
1 wraping surgical drape 75×90 cm
1 color information notice