
The Endovenous Phlebectomy Solution

About the treatment of varicose veins

We did learned since the last 15 years :

  • That the endovenous ablation for truncal and accessory veins treatment, has demonstrated the benefit in term of side effects with the same efficiency compared to surgery
  • Consequently, the traditional surgery is progressively disappearing replaced by endovenous ablation techniques for truncal veins, especially in countries where the pubic health policy encouraged the innovative techniques (USA, Netherlands,…)

We also learned since the first publication in 2005 about the ASVAL Method by Drs Pittaluga & Chastanet that the treatment of the varicose tributaries is efficient even performed alone. In addition, the last studies have shown that even at mid and long term isolated phlebectomy sparing the saphenous vein according to the ASVAL principles can be as efficient as saphenous ablations.

Therefore the treatment of the so-called “Varicose Reservoir” is likely the key element for a proper treatment of the varicose disease, since it is indicated alone at early stage of the disease or concomitantly to saphenous ablation at more evolved stages.

Even if an efficient and minimally invasive treatment of varicose reservoir can be done by the micro-surgical technique developed at the Riviera Vein Institute, an evolution towards an endovenous treatment of tributaries seems to be the next innovation.

The TribAway, an innovative treatment for varicose tributaries

Drs Chastanet and Pittaluga faced several issues for for treating the varicose tributaries by current endovenous technologies because of a lack of a transportation method for navigating in tortuous and uneven vein architectures, such as :

  • The aggressive surface and shapes of endovenous materials can damage vein structures
  • The neutral design and proportion of endovenous material tips can slow down or neutralize material progression
Finally Drs Chastanet and Pittaluga came with a new concept of directional carrier that will optimize in-vein progression enabling and delivering an energy all along the tortuous varicose tributaries for endovenous ablation:  “The TribAway project”.

The TribAway is a proprietary and innovative treatment for varicose tributaries, alone or in combination to saphenous ablation. The device has gone through the Research, Design and IP phases, and we are now entering development cycles.

Keep being posted !




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