Fulltime wellness legwear

There are persistent issues for the medical compression products such as :
No significant innovative concept since a very long time. The only one was the progressive compression dedicated for sport activities and not for the daily life style.
Absence of specific offer for the different life style or behavior especially for the different work postures.
The studies have clearly shown that 70% of venous insufficiency risk factors are related to the posture at work which is deleterious for the venous drainage, especially the long standing up and the lifting of high weights.
Therefore the professional exposure is probably the risk factor explaining the very high and increasing frequency of chronic venous insufficiency in our modern society.
This situation appeared obvious to Drs Chastanet and Pittaluga in front of many patients complaining about their position at work, but also according to the follow-up of the patients they have treated.
It was clear for them that the main way of secondary prevention for people already treated for venous insufficiency was wearing the compression stocking at work. Unfortunately, Drs Pittaluga and Chastanet realized that many patients didn’t wear the compression stocking because of a maladjustment of the products available on the market according to the different work situations explaining the poor compliance of wearing.
This observation that the most common risk factor of developing or returning to venous insufficiency was not correctly prevented because of a lack of proper product dedicated to different work positions, leads Drs Chastanet and Pittaluga to develop a new concept of compression stocking : The WorkStocking for a Fulltime Legwear Wellness.
This new concept offers a variety of compression stocking products according to the different work exposures.